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Alex Devolio

A member registered Sep 26, 2019

Recent community posts

В твиттере тишина, в дисе тоже ни слова от разраба по поводу обновы. Я уже устал от этих постоянных переносов. Если и завтра ничего известно не будет, то я просто перестану заступаться за автора и пытаться хоть как-то смягчить ситуацию. Пусть сам разбирается с недовольными читателями.

I have to disagree with "The announcement channel hasn't had any relevant information to the progression of the game in months" part. At least once a month, Kael lets us know about the state of the story and the state of affairs in general. I could understand your indignation if Kael was just silent all these months, but don't you think that you are somewhat wrong here? Or did you expect the developer to provide a daily report on the number of sprites drawn and text written?)

And I do not quite understand why you are mentioning about "if you don't like the way he runs things ..." I did not complain. Or did I sound like that? In any case, I'm patiently waiting for the new build (which seems to be coming soon) and advise everyone to be patient.

Actually, there is a special room for announcements about the progress of the novel #-notice-board. And if you are a patron, then you can check the room #-fbtw-patreon-release, in that room information appears more often, although not entirely reliable (more like plans and etc).

Kael announced yesterday that patreon build is likely to arrive this weekend, perhaps even today.

С чего вдруг выводы, что откладывается? Вообще-то автор и в твиттере, и в дисе писал, что на этих выходных отправляется в Португалию и до поездки хочет выпустить билд для патронов. Так что в лучшем случае новый билд появится сегодня вечером. А может чуть позже на выходных. По крайней мере, реворк библиотеки спрайтов закончен, а код готов на 66% (по информации на вчерашний вечер)

The update date is approaching and I can already see that many are looking forward to it. Unfortunately, I have to upset you. Kael was recently vaccinated against COVID-19 and is currently suffering from its side effects. Feeling unwell, he was unable to stick to the planned schedule, so the update scheduled for June 5 will either be postponed or be much shorter than originally expected.

Please understand the situation and do not complain about the lack of content. Our health is one of our top priorities and I very much doubt that all of you would sacrifice your health for the entertainment of the people around you. So please be patient and understanding.

You don't seem to know what happened the last time people were too impatient. Here is a message left by Kael's boyfriend on discord.

"I need to make a public announcement. Firstly, I have to say that so far FBtW is one of the most consistently updated VNs and in its current state, it is almost as long as some of the fully released visual novels out there. Each FBtW update delivers around 2h of content while some of the other VNs receive around 30min long builds. Not to mention that writing, art and coding is being done solely by Kael. For the past few weeks, Kael has been working hard on the extra release for the community as a ‘thank you’ for the ongoing support. Since he wanted to keep it the same quality as the previous releases, he had to postpone it to make sure that he delivers something that can match the quality of standard releases. Sadly, to say, this has backfired terribly. He received a lot of messages, asking for an update. At first, it seemed like something innocent, but it transformed into abuse, where people started demanding it from him, telling him how much of a 'shit person' he is for not working hard enough on it. It went so far that this has spilt on other servers where people started abusing him for not delivering bonus content in time and taking a dump on him as a person.

As his partner, Kael’s mental health is my top priority. I have had a lengthy discussion with him about the current situation and I've decided to step in to ensure that he will stick to his basic schedule and will no longer raise extra expectations. Any additional work that he can spare from now on, will be directed towards future updates to make sure that he can have some breathing space, which will prevent him from burning out and allow him to rest. After assessing the current situation and the pressure that he is under, we've decided that he'll take some time off to recuperate and the next update will be released on schedule- the 15th of March for Patreons and on the 1st of April for the public. If the harassment persists, I will discuss with him the possible closing of the DMs to ensure that he can work in a healthy, harassment-free environment. Finally, together with other moderators I'm constantly observing and discussing the situation in the main hall. It's untenable and disruptive and should the current course persist, we will need to explore some other avenues to ensure that the server will stay safe and welcoming for actual FBtW fans. Regards, Elath"

Some people just ... Agh! like impatient children! "I want an update! Where is the update! It's already 8 am and there is no update yet!"
How many times do you need to be reminded of the existence of time zones and that the update is not released at midnight? Be patient! Hachiko was waiting and you will wait! Unlike him, you will get what you want. Unless you start bursting into Kael's private messages with your "where is the update?". Again.
And now some news. This update will likely break your saves. But don't worry! Kael added the feature to select the desired chapter of the novel from the main menu. You can simply select Chapter 7, then answer the questions about the decisions you've made in the past and start enjoying the new content right away.

And again, sorry for my poor English.

Not guts. Something else 😈

(1 edit)

Please, be patient. Yes, the update is scheduled for April 15th. No, no one promised that it would be posted at midnight. There are 24 hours in a day, and in any of them an update may appear. For those who have already reached April 16, I want to remind you of the existence of time zones. Remember (if you know at all) that Kael lives in the UK and that your time zones can be very different.
P.S. Brace yourself, Piglet. The Vul is coming)
P.P.S. Sorry for my poor English.

Wdym? 0.4.1 build was released in december and 0.4.3 is released today. Do you seriously think that nothing has changed since december? Compared to the version of Patreon released on February 2nd, this public build contains 2 additional backgrounds and 6 additional illustrations. So technically this build is even bigger than the one patrons got.

No. Public release 14th feb, patreon release today

If you're windows user, you can open folder
C:\Users\*username that you're using *\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\FBTW-1588013193
and delete any save files you want. Or even whole folder.

Сегодня утром упоминал, что в целом все готово и билд будет выпущен через часов 14-15, после того как он поспит и сделает тестовый запуск билда. Так что завтра можно ожидать релиз (надеюсь)